I would like to make a prediction. After reading today I think there is something weird going on with the whereabouts of the Panther. I mean, where could it be? I think Janie Soto knows where it is. Here's why. When Dona picks Omishto up after the storm and after Ama had been taken away by the police, Omishto learns that Dona and Mama gave Janie Soto a ride because for some reason she was down near town, away from Kili. The first time I suspected that something was going on was when Dona says, "And her bag. She was carrying a bag that seemed a little heavy. She didn't say anything except when we asked if she'd seen you and she just smiled at us. Something like a smile. . . I offered to help her or carry the bag but she wouldn't have it" (88). For some reason this bag she was carrying reminded me of the bag Ama had the panther in. It could be this, or even part of the panther, like the head.
Then, I suspected more when Omishto is being questioned by the elders. The old man says "Did you know you were to bring it to us if one was killed?" Ama says yes and "Janie Soto and Annie Hide exchange a glance. The oldest, Janie, shifts her weight. She is the woman who told Ama about the cat, the stories. This is the woman who has watched Ama all her life" (166). This secret glance between Janie and Annie seems uncomfortable, as if they know something the old man doesn't. Maybe im just making my own story here, but it could be. Since Janie has known Ama so long, maybe she felt like she needed to help her hide the panther, or protect her in some way.
What do you think?
Another quick thing i found that was interesting is a video from YouTube that shows pictures of the Florida Panthers wearing the tracking collars. I imagined the panther as black in the book! But these panthers it shows are more brown. Interesting. (The video wont load right now there's an error so i'll try again later).
Good prediction!!!