Lucy was an interesting story to me. First of all, it was nice that it was such a quick read. Secondly, Lucy's character isn't boring. I thought Sanjeev's character was dry, and Lucy's is a nice contrast to his. I just keep wondering what her background is. It seems like her mother loves her because she keeps sending her letters. I wonder what could have happened to make Lucy not open any of them. I hope the book ends by telling us a little about her background. Or I at least hope that we keep getting glimpses into her past thorough the story to explain some of her mannerisms. Isn't it interesting that in our culture we need an explanation of why someone is the way that they are? I remember we had this discussion about Othello and Iago. We were wondering why Iago does what he does. What is his motivation? Is there something more that jealousy? But Shakespeare didn't give us a background on Iago, nor on why Othello was so prone to jealousy as well. I think the author has given us a few hints as to why Lucy is cynical so far, but I know I want more information. Overall, it was an interesting story so far and I enjoyed it.
I think you made a good connection with Othello and the fact that we need to know about someone's past. I think that is very true and did not think of it that way. I'm glad i read your post!