The most interesting idea that came out of the talk given at the Diverse Student's Leadership Conference on muslim women covering for religious reasons is how it changed my idea of the oppression of women. I will admit that I had considered the fact that muslim women cover themselves a shame. I have been taught, in western culture, that women should be proud of themselves and have confidence, and that beauty should be shown to the world. Because I was brought up that way, I wrongly assumed it was the best way. I assumed it was the preferred way, and that only women who were oppressed and didn't have a choice wore veils to cover their heads and sometimes faces. An interesting point that the speaker brought up is that it is a silly question to ask if muslim women are oppressed. The better question to ask is, are WOMEN oppressed. Because we can't only think of oppression as a symbol such as a veil, visible to the outside world. Women are oppressed all over the world, even here in the United States, whether they wear a certain dress or not. The speaker emphasized that the majority of muslim women wear the veil out of choice so that they can feel more religious. She then showed us pictures that served to contrast the western view of the muslim woman, to stop generalizations. I know it is true that some muslim women are oppressed, but so are many Christian women. Do these women look oppressed?
let me just add one more input. . . I still have a hard time believing that the veil is USUALLY not a sign of oppression. Ok, I know that the speaker has more authority on the subject than I do and she did influence me to change my stereotypes. However, one of her arguments is that the women wear it so that they can feel comfortable, and like they belong in their society. They would feel discriminated against if they did not cover (by bad looks if nothing else). To me, this is a clear sign of society oppressing them, because how much of it can we surely say is really their choice, and how much is what they think they should do so therefore it is their choice?
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